Scheme of Course for Master of Science in Software Engineering

Program Objective

The objective of the program is to prepare students for professional careers and for graduate studies in software engineering. The curriculum is structured to provide a balance between computing theory and practical application of software engineering concepts including software project management, methodologies, tools and technologies in the modern software development environments. Students will be able to function as proficient software developers and effective team members. They will have grounding in communication, mathematics and science, and the cultural, historical, and social issues that influence and effect or relate to the development of high quality software systems. They will have knowledge of and experience with software product engineering and engineering management and an understanding of professional issues and practices. The curriculum is designed to ensure breadth across allied disciplines and supporting subjects; and depth in most areas of the software engineering body of knowledge.

Program Structure

First Year MS

1st Semester

Course Code Title Credit Hours
Advanced Requirements Engineering 3
Advanced Software System Architecture 3
Elective - I 3

2nd Semester

2nd Semester

Course Code Title Credit Hours
Software Testing and Quality Assurance 3
Elective - II 3
  Elective - III    3

Second Year MS

1st Semester

3rd Semester

Course Code Title Credit Hours
Elective - IV 3
Thesis-I/(Elective - V) 3

2nd Semester

4th Semester

Course Code Title Credit Hours
       Elective - IV        3
Thesis-II/(Elective - V) 3