
We are developing an application named “FitVisor”. It’s your fitness advisor that will advise you on each step whether you want to lose weight or want to fight with non-communicable disease “diabetes” without any expensive fee of Dietitian/Fitness trainer and medicine. All you need to do is maintain healthy style with healthy dietary and effective exercise. This application is developing with the motto of “let be the medicine,” as the food aids many diseases. FitVisor will help to control sugar level of diabetic patient with the healthy food as many scientific studies have shown that healthy food, we eat significantly help to cure various non-communicable disease. Under the proper guidance of Nutritionist/Dietitian and Fitness trainer the application will come up 2 amazing features which are badly needed for the better health of Pakistani people.

Project Features

Our system propose 2 features which are as follows: 1) Weight loss: Track food and exercise calories to reach weight loss goals
2) Diabetic Dietary: This feature in our application will help to improve the health of the users who are suffering from diabetes. The system will monitor and analyze the various health parameter of the user and will recommend diet plan according to the user’s health condition and latest report of Hemoglobin A1C test.

Tools and Technology

1) Software Tools: Android Studio, Visual Studio Code, Intellij Idea, Postman, MySQL, Workbench
2) Designing Tools: Lucid Chart,, Figma
3) Technology Tools: Machine Learning, Python, Java, React, HTML & CSS, Javascript

  • Supervised by:Ms. Ummay Faseeha
  • Student Name: Hafsa Naeem, Maryam Abdul Razzak, Sana Nizam, Zoha Saleem

FitVisor Website